hello guys. we meet again! haha! okay guys,  right now as you all know that the exam is around the corner and the library full with students who study and get prepared for final exam. so, I also as students go to the library and make some revision. when I was focusing on study, my eyes catch something that really attractive. U know what, it is BLIS! which BLIS stand for BERNAMA LIBRARY & INFOLINK SERVICE. 

actually the BLIS already been commercial in library but maybe the place that the BLIS was put wasn’t very good place. maybe. because is kinda like a hide place. haha. that’s my opinion only. BLIS function is a comprehensive reference portal of news, market and industry trends, statistics, profile, government policies and many more. and yet, the best part is you can have the information at your fingertip. so, you don’t have to fine a book. All data have been collected in one place and ready to use anytime. In the other words, BLIS equal to knowledge storage! 

okay, I think that’s enough for this lovely morning. I will share with you with more information. Last but not least, I hope you enjoy reading and use the BLIS! I also put picture of BLIS in my wonderful UNITEN! hope you like it. see you again!


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